Is Jesus coming ?


Most people don't believe in Jesus yet alone his coming. The scariest thing in the world is to look at your creator and know that there is no reason for you to enter heaven. 

You probably wonder how I am so sure of his coming. If you have read my previous blog, you know that I have encountered the very voice of the creator through his son Jesus. If we were all honest, we know that none of us worthy of living in heaven with God. We are sinful and disobedient. So, what makes Christ special? 

Jesus Christ bleed and died for the sins of all mankind and gave a promise to all that believe and does his will remain righteous and away from God's wrath.

If you are an atheist, you probably think all this is a joke, a myth or possibly people who believe in Jesus are afraid of the inevitable part of life, which is death. 

But death isn't scary. What is scary is that there is a God for all the things that are unjust and wrong with this world. And I am sure that this God knows that created everyone has plans for us.

Don't you wonder sometimes where we go after we die? Could it be that it all ends with just death. I don't believe that our lives just end. I know our lives continue because I witnessed a great miracle in my life in my walk with God through his son Jesus. But you don't have to believe me, but you can seek God and find out yourself.

Ask him " Jesus, are you truly coming and how can I prepare myself and those I love to listen to your word and come to have a relationship with you"

So why does Christians get excited for the coming of Christ? Christians get excited because there is a promise that there is eternal life with God through his son Jesus.

I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying " Look God's home is among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever. Revelations 21: 3-4

So should you be afraid of death.  No. You don't need to be afraid because God is with you. Jesus saves lives and he will save yours if you accept him in your life. He will change everything and give you peace and reassurance that the life that you live will be better and greater than you can imagine.

The lord is my shepherd I have all that I need - Psalm 23:1

You might question why bad things happens to people if God really loves his creation. Then you must understand that God always sends good for his children. The sin of Adam and eve brought disaster into the world and we as their children grew in sin and condemnation.  However, the love of God never left us in fact through God's love he sent a man who is God's son to die for us. 

So, all those who suffer today from the many struggles in this world are looked after by God who will give them all their desires in heaven. However, all those that are wicked that prosper will meet a terrible end and a world of suffering and eternal condemnation.

So be excited, the king of the universe wants you as his children. He will clothe you and look after you. So, rely on him to give you all you need and want. Look up to his promises and to his glorious coming.

For I know the plans I have for you declares the lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you future and a hope - Jeremiah 29:11

If you have any questions write down in the comment section and I will answer you.

"Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the beginning and the End'. Revelations 22:12 


  1. I'm so excited that you are reading my blog! Feel free to ask any questions, and please be respectful and kind in the comments. Welcome to Faith Foundations – I'm thrilled to be here with you on this journey, my brothers and sisters in Christ.


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