Is Jesus God? Discovering the Divine Truth

 People often grapple with the question: Is Jesus God? Can other religions lead to heaven and eternal peace? These are profound, existential inquiries that many have pondered. Prepare yourself to uncover the hidden truth, the truth you've been seeking all your life, the truth that will finally set you free.

I remember asking God for guidance, feeling unworthy and afraid of His judgment. Now, I am asking you to have the courage to listen carefully to what I am about to share.

Raised in an orthodox Christian family, I was nurtured in faith and love. Growing up, I believed in Jesus and that He died for my sins and those of many others. I can't thank God enough for a loving family grounded in faith, as that foundation led me to truly develop a relationship with God.

So, you might be wondering: Which religion is the path to life? Who is God? How do we know who the true God is? And some of you might even question the existence of any god at all.

Finding God is not an easy journey, but trust me, it is worth every step. The way to life became clear to me when I was 15 years old. I began praying to Jesus fervently for hours, and one afternoon, I heard the voice of God in my mind. He called me His child. That was the day I didn't just believe; I knew truly He is God.

Now, this testimony might make you wonder how God could talk to someone like me, or you might question the authenticity of my experience. But if you want to know God, you simply have to seek Him. If you want to find God, ask Him.

How, you might ask? Say these words:

"Father, I am trying to reach you. I want to know if you are real, and I ask you in Jesus' name to make yourself known to me."

If you are someone who needs scientific evidence for the death and resurrection of Jesus, I will provide it. But you must listen carefully, as people often get lost in the details.

A group of 500 people witnessed Jesus of Nazareth risen from the dead, as recorded in the scriptures of 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.

The most important thing in life is to believe in Jesus Christ. My aim in this blog is not personal gain but to share the truth. The Lord Jesus wants you to know that He is God, He is coming, and He wants you to know His promise and love for you.

As Jeremiah 29:11 says:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


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