Unmasking the Devil


Most people consider it a joke to think that an evil creature roams the earth. But could this be a tactic of the devil? Many dress up for Halloween in scary costumes, such as witches or warlocks. Some even put masks portraying the devil himself. But can this ancient being be so easily dismissed as a myth? Could he be real?

Let me tell you, many people around the world have powerful testimonies. I must tell you the absolute truth: what seems fake can actually be real.

I remember watching John Ramirez's testimony. If you don’t know who he is, he was once a high priest in a satanic church, serving the devil. He was later saved by Jesus Christ and found redemption. He tells us that the devil's greatest weapon is deception. I highly recommend his book, "Unmasking the Devil."

Now, to my testimony. Like many of you, I grew curious and started watching videos about hell and heaven. I truly believed in these testimonies. One evening, I heard the devil's voice clearly, offering me worldly things to join his side. He approached me with pride, as if he were God, complimenting me on how well I served God.

I was shocked and rebuked him in Jesus' name. Even then, he tried to deceive me into believing he wasn’t real.

I know you don't know me, but I must tell you: the devil is real, and his greatest deception is convincing us he doesn't exist.

So, don't wait to give your life to God. Come to the Lord Jesus Christ. Say this prayer:

"Lord Jesus, I need you to save me. I know that you died for my sins, and I accept you in my life, Jesus. I pray that you reveal yourself to me and save me from the devil’s deceptions and strategies. In Jesus' name, I pray, through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen."

God loves you. Know that Jesus is coming. He wants you to be glad, not fearful, because He comes to Judge so be prepared. Accept Jesus and he will heal your life.

If you need a Bible, write in the comments, and one will be provided to you.

Remember, the devil is real, watching your every move to steal, kill, and destroy. Put your faith in God and submit to Him, and the devil will flee from you.

As John 3:16 (NIV) says: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."


  1. I'm so excited that you are reading my blog! Feel free to ask any questions, and please be respectful and kind in the comments. Welcome to Faith Foundations – I'm thrilled to be here with you on this journey, my brothers and sisters in Christ.


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