
Showing posts from June, 2024

God's plan for us

God created everything thing and it is all good. People wonder why people suffer and why some are burdened with so many sufferings. Why a peaceful, loving God will not help them? Why is evil let out and roams over this world ? But how can a peaceful, merciful, loving God allow diseases, famine, abuse, death and suffering.  The answer is the word of God: Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was good - Genesis 1:31 Everything that the lord made is a blessing and he created everything thing that was good for humanity. When God says, “I will confirm my covenant with you,” Genesis 6:18.  He is expressing His faithfulness and commitment to His people. Throughout the Bible, God establishes covenants with His chosen ones as a way to show His love, grace, and promises to them. In the Old Testament, God made covenants with individuals like Abraham, Moses, and David, as well as with the nation of Israel. These covenants were agreements that outlined God’s promises and expecta

The kingdom of heaven is at hand

  Good morning, everyone, I hope you are all well. I Just wanted to let you know that God is with you, and he loves you.  you might be wondering what the kingdom of heaven is and how important it is. As children of God, you will inherit the kingdom of the lord, as he adopts you as his own. Because Jesus Christs is the mediator, we are able to be friends of God For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of his son while we were still enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his son. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. Romans 5: 10-11(NLT) New Living Translation For Jesus says  Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds - Revelation 22:12 (NLT) New Living Translation Jesus is coming to give you the reward and inheritance of the kingdom of heaven, and you will live with him as his children, if you obey his commandments

How Great is God love for me and you

 Many Christians all over the world might tell you that God loves you. And you might wonder, how can God love me, I am not religious, or I have never sought out a relationship with God, but I am here to tell you that God doesn't just love you unconditionally, but he has a plan for you. You might have done terrible things, cheated, robbed and I definitely don't accept this thing, but God doesn't judge you if you come to him and ask him to save you in the name of Jesus Christ. I will tell you this, The God of this universe Jesus Christ loves you unconditionally. He wants you to tell him everything, have a relationship with him. Get yourself a cup of tea, coffee and talk to him about your life. Be yourself and let him into your life.  Get into a quiet room, close the door and talk to him about everything in your life. I remember when I was younger, I had to share a room with my sister, and my quiet time was sitting in the balcony outside with a cup of tea and I will let God kn

Happy Sabbath Everyone !!!

Happy sabbath everyone from all over the world. 🌎 This is going to be a short blog; I hope you are having a blessed day.  Today I went to Church and had an incredible worship of the Great, Majestic King and Lord Jesus Christ. The lord then gave theses instructions to Moses: Tell the people of Israel:' Be careful to keep my Sabbath day, for the sabbath is a sign of the covenant between me and you from generation to generation. It is given so you may know that I am the lord, who makes you holy . - Exodus 31: 12- 13 (NLT) New living translation I hope you are all having a great rest, and everything work out for you I also hope you all have read your bible and if you haven't, I have a verse for you that I have been studying. Recently I have been studying Job. If you don't know much about Job, it is an incredible book in the bible, and I highly recommend it. After a long-time suffering, Job doesn't know why he is inflicted with trials and tribulations. He begins to compla

Do you practice Yoga? Practices you need to stop

According to the dictionary Yoga is a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation. So, if you practice Yoga, this is for you.  There are many Christians who believe that yoga is alright to practice but as for me I find any spiritual activity that doesn't align with the bible and most importantly glorifying Jesus the son of God is a spiritual deception  According to CBN the yoga postures have been offered to 330 million Hindu gods. So, what is Yoga teaching you, to meditate and affirm to the Hindu gods. Yoga isn't just the only one you should stop, it is buying crystals, reading horoscopes. burning sage or any psychic activity is demonic. For according to Romans 12: 1-2 (NLT) " And so brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living sacrifice - the kind

"Exposing the Truth about the Devil: Are You Deceived?".

 Do you know who governs darkness. Someday it is inevitable that we will all die. But have you wandered what lies beyond this life. Many people have their perceptions, many people believe that we will simply perish, some believe that there is hell and heaven. But the most important question is What do you believe in? And are you deceived? So, what does the Devil have to do with your belief? And I will answer you directly  Everything. The devil greatest deception is the illusion that there is no enemy, no accuser and no condemnation for sin.  How did I come to be so aware of the devil is when I began to follow God fervently.  The devil offered me wealth, and materialistic gain if I stop serving God. I found out the devil is so prideful and is always imitating God as if he was gracious and giving. This couldn't be a greater lie. For you are the children of your father the devil, you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the trut

When we struggle? Trials and Temptations

 There are many reasons why we struggle in life. But always remember there is a God who is powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent. All you have do is call the name of the Lord, majestic king of the universe. The lord Jesus Christ. I remember reading the book of job recently and I believe the book of Job is for mature Christians, but it is also powerful story for beginners who are facing trails and temptations. When I was reading Job with my sister, I realized something powerful in the book of Job. In the book jobs a prominent man who lived in the land of Uz was wealthy, had children and many farm animals.  Job is a man of integrity and fears the lord and stays away from evil.  One day the members of the heavenly court came to present themselves before the lord and Satan the accuser also came. And the lord asked Satan " have you noticed my servant job? He is the finest man in all the earth. He is a blameless a man of integrity He fears God and stays away from evil. But Satan replied

The right path to God

  Before I begin, I just wanted to say thank you for reading my blog. I am excited that there are people who are learning about God. If you are new, I give you my warmest welcome and I am excited to help you through this journey of life and to show you that there is greater blessing through Jesus.  You might not be a believer, or you might be, but I will show you that there is a God of the universe who wants to know you and have a relationship with you. You probably heard all this somewhere, possibly Christians preaching to you. Or unfortunately you might not have heard the gospel. This is an opportunity to learn about the love and mercy of God through his son Jesus Christ. Firstly, no matter who you are and where you are from. Jesus loves you and he plans to give you purpose and save your life. So, you might wonder, what the right path to God?  The right path to God is only through his son Jesus Christ. How do I know for sure. I know because I experienced at the age of 15 the voice of

Is Jesus coming ?

  Most people don't believe in Jesus yet alone his coming. The scariest thing in the world is to look at your creator and know that there is no reason for you to enter heaven.  You probably wonder how I am so sure of his coming. If you have read my previous blog, you know that I have encountered the very voice of the creator through his son Jesus. If we were all honest, we know that none of us worthy of living in heaven with God. We are sinful and disobedient. So, what makes Christ special?  Jesus Christ bleed and died for the sins of all mankind and gave a promise to all that believe and does his will remain righteous and away from God's wrath. If you are an atheist, you probably think all this is a joke, a myth or possibly people who believe in Jesus are afraid of the inevitable part of life, which is death.  But death isn't scary. What is scary is that there is a God for all the things that are unjust and wrong with this world. And I am sure that this God knows that crea

Unmasking the Devil

  Most people consider it a joke to think that an evil creature roams the earth. But could this be a tactic of the devil? Many dress up for Halloween in scary costumes, such as witches or warlocks. Some even put masks portraying the devil himself. But can this ancient being be so easily dismissed as a myth? Could he be real? Let me tell you, many people around the world have powerful testimonies. I must tell you the absolute truth: what seems fake can actually be real. I remember watching John Ramirez's testimony. If you don’t know who he is, he was once a high priest in a satanic church, serving the devil. He was later saved by Jesus Christ and found redemption. He tells us that the devil's greatest weapon is deception. I highly recommend his book, "Unmasking the Devil." Now, to my testimony. Like many of you, I grew curious and started watching videos about hell and heaven. I truly believed in these testimonies. One evening, I heard the devil's voice clearly, of

Is Jesus God? Discovering the Divine Truth

 People often grapple with the question: Is Jesus God? Can other religions lead to heaven and eternal peace? These are profound, existential inquiries that many have pondered. Prepare yourself to uncover the hidden truth, the truth you've been seeking all your life, the truth that will finally set you free. I remember asking God for guidance, feeling unworthy and afraid of His judgment. Now, I am asking you to have the courage to listen carefully to what I am about to share. Raised in an orthodox Christian family, I was nurtured in faith and love. Growing up, I believed in Jesus and that He died for my sins and those of many others. I can't thank God enough for a loving family grounded in faith, as that foundation led me to truly develop a relationship with God. So, you might be wondering: Which religion is the path to life? Who is God? How do we know who the true God is? And some of you might even question the existence of any god at all. Finding God is not an easy journey, bu